Sales is the most important part of any business, period. Why then, do so many entrepreneurs and small business owners avoid selling, and what can they do to overcome that tendency? Sales trainer Jerry Kennedy joins My Podcast Harmony host Darlene V. to discuss how you, the entrepreneur, can get excited about sales. Read More
Very often in life we are tricked by our own eyes. We see what we want to see and fail to use the gift of sight to look deep and find what it is that we are really looking for. This is particularly evident when one is looking at a work from home business, or a traditional brick and mortar business, where all sense of reality is overshadowed by t Read More
An interesting new study shows that social media still can't get no respect in the workplace. According to a study by Robert Half Technologies, 54 percent of CIOs prohibit any social media use in the office. That's a serious number. Read More
Business Standard published a small business news about global business exporting vulnerabilities. Read More
Social media has developed into an invaluable marketing tool across industries for the promotion of products as well as customer networking. Allowing companies to become more attuned to customer concerns and needs, the various outlets for social media have revealed unprecedented marketing opportunities. Through proper utilisation of social media, Read More
Excerpt: Sometimes the hardest part of blogging is making the decision to do it. That can be especially true for companies, where it may be necessary to get buy-in.. Read More
Do you know the difference between which prospect you'll close and which one you'll lose? How can you tell, midway through a sale, whether you're on track for success or you've lost the deal? How can you tell when you'll be unsuccessful in advance and cut short your time and energy to offer more time for those who are able to buy? Read More
Start, Run, and Grow Your Business I've had the distinct pleasure of working with my friends at Palo Alto Software to play a part in creating a unique bit of software called Start, Run, and Grow Your Business. This low-cost tool is full of advice, tutorials and free stuff for every phase of getting your business going.srg The software is ava Read More
The content below is brought to you by a sponsor of this blog. From time to time I will feature content of this paid nature, but you can rest assured it will be infrequent, editorially relevant and representative of my mission to serve and support small business — Thanks amexSmall Businesses are the driving force behind growth and innovation in Read More
Some authors and “sales experts” continue to perpetuate age-old myths about selling that need to be dispelled, says Douglas Smith, founder of Douglas Smith & Associates. Here are three of the biggest myths. Read More

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