I have always tried to do things for my email newsletter list to reduce opt-outs and create long term subscribers. I have people on my first email list for 3,4,5 years. Getting email newsletter subscribers is not that hard. Keeping them is yet another thing. Read More
Follow the The Most Influential Small Business thought leaders on Twitter Read More
Excerpt: Getting customers to talk about your product or service isn't as hard as you might think. A viral marketing campaign that provides them with a way to connect with others you serve, a compelling story they can share, and a subconscious nudge is all they need. I've found three strategies that make viral marketing especially contagious. Read More
When it comes to small business branding, Ed Roach at smallbusinessbranding.com suggests entrepreneurs take the center stage. Ed explains: "Stepping into the spot light makes you into an icon for your brand. It provides a genuine personality that a prospective customer can relate to. It authenticates your brand offering and helps to position the Read More
Small business marketing using a blog remains one of the simplest most inexpensive means of marketing your business. Being in the business of running blogs for other people, I realize, of course, I can be relied upon for talking about blogs all day and all night. But the fact remains that, despite the influx of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Lin Read More
Open Directory is one of the source of back-links. This will show you how to make the secrets of open directory is OPEN! Read More
The truth is if you manage it well, benefits of social media use (not for work purpose) can make the risk you take worth it. If you can't think of any, let me help you with 3. Read More
Because clients' needs have become increasingly complex, most salespeople recognize that to meet those needs a team effort is required. Being able to gain access to team members, preparing with them, and performing in front of the client as an effective team are essential to meet clients' broader and more complex needs. Read More
Generating Leads with Slides This week, one of my favorite content sharing sites introduced a new way to generate leads. I've long been a fan of the social media sharing site Slideshare. Slideshare allows you to upload presentations, much like YouTube videos, and then have them converted to flash movies that can be viewed on line and embedde Read More
Small Business Blogging 101 If you are looking for a quick overview of blogging for small business, thinking about starting a blog, or already have a blog and need some tips for getting more from it, you might enjoy the following presentation I did as part of a series of webinars with email marketing service provider Vertical Response. Read More

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