Excerpt: Sometimes the hardest part of blogging is making the decision to do it. That can be especially true for companies, where it may be necessary to get buy-in.. Read More
Do you know the difference between which prospect you'll close and which one you'll lose? How can you tell, midway through a sale, whether you're on track for success or you've lost the deal? How can you tell when you'll be unsuccessful in advance and cut short your time and energy to offer more time for those who are able to buy? Read More
Start, Run, and Grow Your Business I've had the distinct pleasure of working with my friends at Palo Alto Software to play a part in creating a unique bit of software called Start, Run, and Grow Your Business. This low-cost tool is full of advice, tutorials and free stuff for every phase of getting your business going.srg The software is ava Read More
The content below is brought to you by a sponsor of this blog. From time to time I will feature content of this paid nature, but you can rest assured it will be infrequent, editorially relevant and representative of my mission to serve and support small business — Thanks amexSmall Businesses are the driving force behind growth and innovation in Read More
Some authors and “sales experts” continue to perpetuate age-old myths about selling that need to be dispelled, says Douglas Smith, founder of Douglas Smith & Associates. Here are three of the biggest myths. Read More
When Lisa Skriloff, president of New York—based Multicultural Marketing Resources, wanted to attract businesses interested in marketing services as part of a niche marketing effort, she launched a group on LinkedIn, the popular social network. In less than a year, 1,500 people had opted in. “Now I can reach the entire group by posting messages or Read More
Winning deals means you have demonstrated superior and differentiated value to the customer in their terms. Why do we insist on delivering generic value propositions? Read More
Sales people will tell you the thing they hate most about cold calling are the objections and rejections. Fair enough, so what can you do about that and still win new prospects, find out. Read More
Of those companies listed on Fortune1000's list, 75% of those actively online have conducted some form of Social Media Marketing. However, 50% of these ventures into cyberspace were unsuccessful. Brands who are constantly working towards improving themselves in the new world of Social Media Marketing will naturally suffer setbacks in the process. Read More
If small business requires a good business plan, how much more is the global business. In seeking an international opportunity, you need to provide first a global business plan. An entrepreneur should exert extra effort to do extensive research and study of your market. A global business plan is not simply a document; it is actually the basis of yo Read More

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