When you have a published press release, you want people to share it through social media. But many people aren’t as attracted to a press release as they are to a more friendly version of your news. Read More
Do you have an employee bashing your business online? There are 3 courses of action you can take to ensure you keep your company's image in the clear. Read More
These are the folks that can make a presenter’s life just miserable – if it isn’t expected, the behavior of any one of these can be enough to throw even a prepared presenter for the proverbial loop. Read More
When it comes to writing a headline for your press release, you can’t put too much importance on it. After all, if it’s a sucky headline, people won’t click to read your press release.

Here are even more killer tips to polish your headline-writing skills. Read More
A PR stunt from two magicians went viral last week with many reporting it as a piece of live TV history. Here's why such lazy journalism will hit them hard. Read More
Blog commenting is one of the prime jobs of a blogger because it helps you build healthy relationships, generate blog traffic, and sometimes get dofollow links as well.
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Public relations, otherwise known as PR, play an important role in any business, whether for a large group of people (a company or an organization) or an individual (celebrity, professional, freelancer or entrepreneur). Read More
PR hasn't yet mastered research and social listening, even in 2015 Here is the interview with @MelanyB12 @MariaGridley @FashionblyPetit Read More
While there are many marketing tools that can be effective for your fashion company, one essential component is the press release. Read More
Rather than make you sift through all the valuable content here on HTCAPR, I thought I’d simplify things and put all the posts we’ve written about writing a press release into one post. Here we go! Read More

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