Do you show up to work every day, work to the best of your ability and always strive to be better? Great! But that might not be enough. Because your speaking habits can compromise your potential for career success, even if your performance is impeccable. - Your speaking habits can make or break you Read More
The importance of managing PR is becoming increasingly evident in the startup world. Unfortunately, there are still many startups who don’t think they “need” PR. The problem is that public relations isn’t a choice. Any entity, be it an individual or a business, has an involuntary relationship with Read More
Old social media tactics are rendered obsolete. You can no longer outsource tweeting. Your content needs to be native, authentic, and human. Both users and algorithms will smell a phony. In this session you will learn how to tell a captivating story, pick the right social channels to spread it, wri Read More
I will argue that press releases are an essential part of a good marketing and public relations strategy. But it occurred to me: what do journalists and reporters think of them? Are they accomplishing what we want them to (getting the attention of the media and making them clamor to write about our Read More
There are too many people out there doing a horrible job of pitching journalists and bloggers with their news. There’s no excuse. If you do these five steps, you should be able to get the media’s attention (assuming your news is actually newsworthy in the first place). Read More
As a blogger, what do you do to increase the conversion of your new blog visitors into loyal and regular blog audience? In this post, there are tips for you on how to use replying to the comments on your blog as a tool to achieve this objective.

More at the blog :) Read More
If you want to know exactly what reporters and journalists really think of your press releases then this is the post for you - collating several remarks that journalists made Read More
When it comes to finding a topic for your press release, it’s important to ensure that your topic is actually newsworthy. That means it can’t be biased, untrue, or promotional in nature.

Here are three topics you should never, ever write a press release about. Read More
People are really polarized about whether press releases “work” or not. For me, I’d say it all depends on how you define a release working. Here are four expectations I know a lot of business owners have…that shouldn’t. If you’re expecting one or more of these results with your next press release, Read More
If you are at all creative, intelligent, want a good income, and of course you need flexible time and hours – then programming may just be the ticket. Good programmers are hard to find. Read More

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