THE PR VERDICT: “C” (Distinctly OK) for UNHCR. Celebrity coverage is the stepping-stone for more serious follow up, but is Angelina Jolie the right celebrity?
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PR WINNER OF THE WEEK: “A” (PR Perfect) to Joe Biden. Now this was a debate! If Obama had previously brought a knife to a gun fight, Biden brought a cannon. Read More
The PR Verdict: "B” (Good Show) to Michelle Obama and “C” (Distinctly OK) to Ann Romney. Michelle has the edge in appealing to a wider audience.
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The PR Verdict: "A" (PR Perfect) for Good Morning America. By focusing on what seems to be an organic friendship among hosts and extending it to the public, they have won ratings without sensationalism and created an atmosphere of tolerance.
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The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for Ina Drew and her PR strategy. Just one on-the-record quote might have changed the article’s tone.
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The PR Verdict: "D" (PR Problematic) for David Axelrod's demonstration of petulance and personal attack on his client's adversary.
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Big Bird was invited to appear on Saturday Night Live, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and Piers Morgan Tonight. Sometimes it really is better to be talked about than not. Read More
The PR Verdict: “B” (Good Show) for IKEA and a brand remaining true to its liberal streak, but beware of starting something that could become a cultural flashpoint.
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If you are you in start-up mode and want to launch a new product, secure private funding or bring visibility to your company, then public relations is an essential tool for your box. But how do you get started if you have few resources? Here are some tips for things you can do on your own, without Read More
The PR Verdict: B (Good Show) for Arnold Schwarzenegger. The grade is based not on character but for his handling of the media and for canny self-promotion via contrition.
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