The PR Verdict: A (PR Perfect) for Tony Hayward. Two years after the BP disaster, his PR image rehabilitation is underway. Check back in two more years to see how far the needle has moved away from the red zone.
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The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for Dirty Harry. Not a bad speech content wise, but why was its delivery so complicated?
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A little PR can go a long way in increasing sales. From news story mentions to review sites, the internet is the best place for PR these days. Here are some ideas on how to spread the word about your business online. Read More
The PR Verdict: “D” (PR Problematic) for Samsung. Scare tactics, especially of higher prices in economically challenging times, are unlikely to win hearts and minds. Better to use the forum to carefully explain one’s patent law positions.
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Most times why some bloggers fail to become a top blogger is because they fail to make their blog readers and visitors happy.

I have learnt that the more you blog with your blog visitors in mind then this will only cause your blog to be more popular and more successful.


Yes! Of cours Read More
The PR Verdict: "B" (Good Show) for Lance Armstrong and the LIVESTRONG brand. Tough times, but survivable for both. Soon it will be business as usual.
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The PR Verdict: “A” (PR Perfect) for Mike Tyson and a comeback that gives the public a new way to think about him.
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Lakewood, WA - August 17, 2012 - Ignite-U announced that their August 15, 2012 event featuring Ona Brown was a sensational hit with over 350 in attendance at the Great American Casino in Lakewood, WA.

If you can measure the success of an event by the speed at which the attendees head t Read More
The Olympics have ended, but the hashtag #NBCfail will remain for some time in the social media court of opinion. Luckily, NBC has trained professionals in crisis management to handle these public relations issues. But what would you do if your business suddenly found itself under attack? Read More
PR can be a bit tricky, but if you do the research and preparation you can ‘do it yourself.’ Most mom small business owners lack a huge budget to put toward a public relations firm. However, coverage in print media, online and on television can be invaluable to your overall business image. Read More

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