The PR Verdict: “D” (It's a Dud) for the Vatican for its handling of the announcement and hiring of its new head honcho.
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The PR Verdict: “B” (Good Show) for Slaughter and her article that provoked huge media discussion. Sometimes an article taps into the zeitgeist; this seems to be one of them.
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The PR Verdict: “D” (It’s a Dud) for Google. Who knows what the real situation is, but this explanation doesn’t reassure the market. Already suspicion is growing that Google is being less than frank. Read More
The PR Verdict: C (Distinctly OK) for The New York Times, whose response still keeps the decision to publish or not in the realm of a high level of discretion. Something more objective might help the debate.
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The PR Verdict: “B” (Good Show) for Rodney King and his legacy. Despite complicated personal circumstances, with one simple question he opened up a conversation that continues after his death.
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The PR Verdict: “F” (Full Fiasco) for Vatican PR. (And presumably ”A”--Gold Star!--for the Devil and his PR). If trying to portray events as storms in a teacup and a business-as-usual message, then invoking the Devil is bound to confuse.
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Forums are great place to hang out online and participate in discussions online with other members of that forum. A forum can be classed as an online community where people go to have discussions on a particular topic. People also join forums to share their knowledge and also to gain more knowledge Read More
The PR Verdict: “A” (Gold Star!) for WHO and its very public and unapologetic fight with Big Tobacco. To have had this approved by the powers that be is extraordinary. To have heard nothing from Big Tobacco warning about Big Brother bureaucracies shows that this might be working.
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Why Press Releases are Effective for SEO Press releases are often perceived as a tool used only for significant industry events and large business releases, but they can actually be an effective SEO... Read More
If you’ve been here before you know I have a few opinions about public relations firms. As a blogger, I receive hundreds of emails per week trying to recruit me to “share” their latest and greatest client’s idea with my audience. It stands to reason that PR Pros would want to recruit the help of bl Read More

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