The PR Verdict: “D” (It's a Dud) for Rielle Hunter and her forlorn stab at publicity. Hasn't her moment passed?
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The PR Verdict: “D” (It's a Dud) for Burger King. New launches like this undermine claims that the industry is dedicated to helping solve the national obesity problem. Why not at least come out with a new smoothie at the same time?
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The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for the PR handling of Bryson’s car accident. A clear and straightforward approach efficiently done. We're withholding a top grade as one crucial element was missing...
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The PR Verdict: “A” (Gold Star!) for Anna Wintour and Vogue, who turned the page on their faux pas. As the situation in Syria worsens, this was not going to go away.
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The PR Verdict: “D” (It's a Dud) for the Wall Street Journal. This was one instance where the WSJ might have tried a little harder. If the State Department can sound annoyed, why can’t the WSJ? Read More
The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for PETA and its promo porn. While it may grab the headlines on day one, it raises potential problems that go beyond splash coverage. Read More
The reality TV industry isn't booming for no reason. With some creative casting and editing, your business can use the same techniques to draw in loyal customers Read More
The PR Verdict: “F” (Full Fiasco) for Coca-Cola. Claiming you're as concerned about diabetes and obesity as the next person while advocating the sale of jumbo sodas is a hard sell. Why resist the flow toward health for consumers?
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Customer testimonials are FREE advertising for your business. Get more of them... and use them to help you sell!

How to leverage loyal customers into your best advocates to help market your business and influence purchases from new customers... Read More
Large companies typically have a public relations department or firm that handles all of their offline PR. It’s important to integrate offline PR efforts with a search engine optimization campaign to increase exposure and build inbound links to a website. In addition to sharing a press release offl Read More

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