The PR Verdict: ”B” (Good Show), so far, for Paul Ryan and his opening salvos. His youth, vigor, and ideological commitment seem to have energized his party. The PR work is now to position both candidates as being not only on the same page but having the same level of firepower and conviction.
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Veteran small-business owner and author, Rieva Lesonsky, reflects on unanswered questions and lessons learned from Chick-fil-A. Mixing business and religion-dumb. Read More
Craft crowd-attracting events with unexpected partners that serve the same niche to generate more curiosity, visibility, value and bragging rights that spur customers to invite their friends to attend. Read More
The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for New York’s DFS. Great splash, but now what? Where is the chorus of other regulators outraged at this alleged wrongdoing?
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The idea of a company brand ambassador is not new, but has taken on more importance in today’s age of social networking. Brand ambassadors can be internal staff or fans and loyal customers (or bloggers) who love your business. For this post, let’s talk about the employee brand ambassador. Read More
Conversations are happening online 24 hours a day, you or your business may be mentioned in some of those conversations…..some good, some not so good. It’s important to keep your ear to the internet and be on the ready to respond when someone mentions you or your business. Not only is it good for Read More
Try local cross-promotions that pull prospects in your door, warmed-up to buy and provide bragging rights so they want to tell others and come back Read More
The PR Verdict: “B” (Good Show) for Silvio Berlusconi and his ongoing cosmetic makeover. His work is never done, but at least he gave himself ample PR cover to go back for more.
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Compelling communication cues can stick your message in their minds and instill the bragging rights that spur them to share your idea with others Read More
Writer and historian Gore Vidal passed away in his Hollywood Hills home this week after a long illness. Obituaries praised the life of one of America’s intellectual heavyweights but none could ignore his snappy, grand and imperious tone ; it’s what stole the coverage. Read More

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