The PR Verdict: “A” (Gold Star) to Martha Stewart for putting a tough period behind her. It’s even given her street-cred!
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The PR Verdict: “D” (PR Problematic) for one of the world’s leading media tycoons. However, it's touching to realize that even a media mogul can get social media wrong.
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The PR Verdict: ”A” (PR Perfect) for Judy Smith. Not only has she packaged herself as the PR Ms. Fix-It, she has also wrapped a methodology around the cure.
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Everyone knows that it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer than it is to acquire a new customer. But did you know that a new customer who just moved into the neighborhood will spend alot more money during that first year in town than an existing resident? And did you know that there is a short Read More
There are a thousand ways to flub a radio, TV or print interview and media coaching can guide you to a great interview. Read More
Our report card wrap-up of this week's PR and media winners and losers. PR WINNER OF THE WEEK: ”A” (GOLD STAR!) TO: Read More
The PR Verdict: "B" (Good Show) for Sesame Street. By maintaining an impartial tone - even to one of their own - their image stays professional, businesslike, and neutral to all who might help or harm.
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These tips are useful for politicians, who want to earn the votes from the people. But these are also applicable and helpful to small business owners in winning their customers' trust and confidence on their brand and products. Read More
The PR Verdict: “F” (Full Fiasco) to the BBC, which demonstrated the thinking that got its news department into hot water.
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This morning when I opened my work email, there were about 600 unread messages. Near the top of the stack was an email from a mysterious person named Xavier. I had never heard of him before. More mysteriously, his email was titled, "Article." Intrigued, I clicked ... Read More

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