To her credit, Hathaway drew a parallel between the unfortunate incident and her prostitute character in Les Miz, but the clever soundbite was all but lost; alas, one revealing picture is worth a thousand well-planned words. The PR machine on this one was well and truly blindsided. Read More
The PR Verdict: “A” (PR Perfect) to the US government for what seems like a well-orchestrated PR campaign to maximize publicity.
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The web, it turns out, is extremely important in the job of a PR professional. Much more important today than it was even three years ago.

It used to be your website was an online version of your corporate brochure. But times, they are a changin’. Your website now needs to be a living and breath Read More
The PR Verdict: “D” (PR Problematic) for the NFL. The tragedies of its players shine a light on the difficult life of athletes, but will it tarnish the organization’s image?
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Many entrepreneurs and book authors have tried to market what they've created themselves but haven’t successfully secured media coverage. Read More
Ever met a homeless kid? Do you know someone who has been abused and seen how their life has changed? I have. It is not pretty nor is there an easy fix. Time, patience and more love than you can carry in your pocket is needed.

If there is only one organization to support so that you can say: Read More
The PR Verdict: “B” for DJs Michael Christian and Mel Greig. A redeeming interview for the pair, and quite possibly for management.
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YouTube gives you the ability to instantly create a branded profile online. You can customize your YouTube channel with your company’s logo and you can create a theme which is then followed across all your websites. Read More
Once in a while, I go off on a mental gadabout and wander through reasons and rationale for my…and my colleagues…existence as public relations professionals. Read More
Dear Reader: Can we interest you in a “repositioning action”? How about something to “further reduce expenses and improve efficiency”? Read More

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