Ted Rubin and Kathryn Rose's new book, Return on Relationship, deftly explores the value of fostering relationships as the new currency for the digital era.  Think you have heard this before?  You probably have - in pieces, but where this book "nails it" is in its ability to efficiently explain [.. Read More
Many people think to themselves; 'Should I say something about our local, state or federal issues?' We find that people who jump into any level of politics is diving into a Fishbowl and inviting the entire community to judge the person based on a political position; is this fair? We discuss an ap Read More
Enstine Muki is the founder of popular blog EmFastIncome , the awesome CashDonator Premium WordPress plugin and the EasyRetweet.com which he recently sold to earn a big chunk of money. Read More
Having a social and digital presence has become a huge part of creating and running a successful business. When you’re out networking, your new contacts will want to check out your social accounts. You can save them the hassle of searching by giving them the essential info they need right on your b Read More
How did Lee Radziwill feel about giving her first interview in ages? How about when the interviewer's a pal? Read our PR Verdict. Read More
Bloggers are peaking and going to start dying off soon as companies measure ROI and don't see it coming back with giveaways, freebies and reviews. Here is what you can do to help prevent your site from dying off when the blogging bubble bursts. Feel free to comment and leave your own tips or advi Read More
If YOU don't get your name out there, nobody else will... Everything from your corporate logo and the letterhead you use, even a promotional, or personalized business pen – right the way down to your ‘Elevator Pitch’ Read More
THE PR VERDICT: ”D” for Jill Kelley and Natalie Khawam. This is one social comeback that will be hard to manage.
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THE PR VERDICT: “A” (PR Perfect) for Shirley MacLaine's well-worded, brief, and withering response.
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In every form of organization (business), communication is essential. Communication is defined as the exchange and flow of ideas from one individual to another. Communication and leadership go hand in hand. This is because for the leaders to implement an idea, they have to communicate the idea to t Read More

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