As time goes by more and more new avenues for promoting your business emerge: social media, webinars, youtube – but as we incorporate these new tools into the marketing arsenal, we don’t want to forget about some tried and true promotion options. One of those oldies but goodies is the oft forgotten Read More
Small businesses benefit from press releases. Here are 6 reasons you should be using them right now! Read More
Anyone in business, whether they’re looking to stay small on Main Street or build an empire, needs to focus on niche market, a group of people in which they can provide better products and/or services for than their competitors. Businesses cannot be everything to everyone. That’s what makes busin Read More
Twitter is a great platform to share your views and at the same time to build a strong social media following. But gaining followers on Twitter is not as easy as it sounds but not hard at all. All you have to do is follow certain steps and it would be done. Read More
If you're taking your message to talk radio, you may benefit from some of my favorite, and less obvious, bits of advice. Read More
THE PR VERDICT: “D” (PR Problematic) for Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota congresswoman befuddles, per usual.
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Nike's PR team knew that withdrawing money from a charity, even in the wake of a disgraceful scandal could backfire on them. The more sensible and low risk option? Pull the plug on the products and continue to fund the charity directly. Read More
THE PR VERDICT: “F” (Full Fiasco) for Mayor Rob Ford. This story is now officially out of control. Why the Mayor of Toronto took over a week to respond to wildly circulating rumors remains unclear, but by the time he said something, simply denying he uses crack was not enough. Read More
In this post you come to know about the easiest and effective ways of making relationship with other bloggers and benefits which you get from those relationships. Read More
Short, sharp, to the point; see you next milestone. This is how LinkedIn recently decided to congratulate and engage its users in a magnificent PR stunt. Read More

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