Have people today become a little too snarky online? Or can snark be a good thing? This week's Hump Day marketing post explores that very idea after yesterday was deemed a Snark Free Day by a PR company. Read More
Looking for a way to breakthrough the noise as the hot new thang on the scene? Here’s a bit of advice that bucks conventional wisdom.

To make a big splash, go small.

That means instead of trying to become the known as the blockbuster business coach for ALL BUSINESS, you pi Read More
I was chatting with a buddy of mine this morning that launched a sunglasses company earlier this year. A lot of what he talks about is branding, building a brand, how his sunglasses brand fits into lifestyles, and also he talks about what brick ‘n mortar stores have a similar brand for him to get t Read More
General Electric recently surprised me with their selfless gesture. Now I'm blogging about what small businesses can learn from this generosity (and how this can help them grow). Read More
As a business owner, you want to be likeable. However, you cannot attain this unless you have one of these traits. Learn how you can master these traits here. Read More

Press releases aren't dead. We're saying it!

Just because they're still alive, doesn't mean they're fine as is.

Below are 4 tips and tricks to bring your press release into the 21st century. Read More
Our Daily Deal Builder training webinar went great today!  We discuss trends in the marketplace as well as traits of successful companies and advertising campaigns. As always, we welcome your feedback and comments. Make moves today, Marc D. Horne www.DailyDealBuilder.com […] Read More
If your SEO strategy includes unnatural links your visability is suffering and you may be violating Google's guidelines. Find out why you should cut it out. Read More
Burger King does it again with gigantic brand-change Jedi mind trick that is really a social-savvy PR stunt. Read More
Online Printing review site Printaholic gives UPrinting top marks for stickers, brochures, and other print products.

If you need any online printing done, be sure to check them out!

Read More

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