For whatever reason, speakers at technology conferences sometimes experience negative or argumentative feedback following their presentation. Learn how to prepare for and deal with such feedback in ways that deescalate conflict and retain credibility. Read More
It’s not just big companies and corporations who love to sue Google, individuals and small business – all have tried to squeeze some money out of Google. The most recent lawsuit loss Google had to deal with was $125 million loss to pay to SimpleAir, after losing an Android patent lawsuit! Read More
Here is an interview with Aly Saxe - an expert in the Public relations scene. Here are some ways on how you can get maximum efficiency when it comes to your public relations plan. Aly is truly an inspiring person to listen to. Read More
Marketing a book is a lot of work. In this post I will show you how to market a book like a Rockstar without the world wide web. This is a case study on how an author sent me a book in the mail, unannounced. I had to write about it as it was a great way to market a book. Read More
The debate around how SEO and PR work together has been raging for a while now. In the past, the two disciplines used to work completely independently of one another, but recently this has changed.
- See more at: Read More
The whole point of a presentation or public speaking engagement is to engage the audience by sharing your knowledge, expertise, or experience, right? But an audience member only pays attention to things they care about.

So how do you grab your audience’s attention in 8 seconds? Scream Read More
Headlines, subject lines, taglines – they’re all pick-up lines! The object: get an email address for your list, a date with a potential client, bag an interview with a hot magazine… in other words HOOK UP with the people who can help you get your name out there and clients in your little black book Read More
Small business owners have a powerful resource on their side; the communities that they belong to. Here are five ways that they can foster better relationships within them and reach out to potential partners. Read More
Do you fear the publicity spotlight? Do you fear public speaking? Here are some tips for getting around that and maximizing publicity for yourself. Read More
It's the season for giving, but don't just give, give back. As a small business owner, you are in a unique position of leadership in your community. Here are three ideas for small business giving that can make your brand a positive influence in your community. Read More

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