Want publicity for your business? Generate it yourself! These tips will help you manage your own PR even without the giant budget. Read More
As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we Uttoran Sen here, he is the founder of guestcrew.com, and having good experience in Online Marketing, SEO and also called Social media expert. He loves blogging a lot. In this interview he would be sharing some useful SEO strategies.

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Changing the branding of a business has the potential to be a powerful step in the right direction or a major flop. Knowing the lay of the land when it comes to the market and their demographics can help business owners avoid making a major misstep for their brand. Read More
To be able to convert your contacts into strategic business connections, you need to spend time and effort building and cultivating your relationship first. Following are tips on how you can connect with people, effectively turn new contacts into strategic relationships and, ultimately, leverage yo Read More
To build a successful online business, you also need to build your credibility. Credibility is the quality one possesses that enables customers to trust them. Read More
In the past, the press release formed an important element to PR. Nowadays, PR doesn’t need to be dictated by a sharply written piece of copy, nor is there a need for gumph to make a story or a brand compelling. Read More
You’ve probably come upon some variation of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote – “Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.”

When it comes to speaking in public, leading teams or even having a personal conversation, we communicate a great deal about how we are feeling and thi Read More
Summertime is just around the corner and for many businesses; this time of the year is an easy one to feel like you can coast on by. Maybe you’ll run a sale here or there, or an extra promotion for one of the holiday weekends, but you’re likely to be more relaxed on all of your marketing initiative Read More
We’ve written about review sites like Yelp and Google Places as well as how to deal with bad reviews on our blog before. This is because these days, online reviews can make or break a small business. Read More
Have you ever noticed how the big box stores are constantly written about in the newspapers, magazines, and on websites? You feel like your little old retail store could never get the attention of the media. Let’s shatter that myth. Small retail stores can get great press. All it takes is some elbo Read More

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