Customer Relationships - Your first instinct on seeing a negative online review may be to immediately and vigorously defend your business. But don't overreact. You may well be able to turn the situation ... Read More
10 fresh ideas for getting customers into your store this November. There's more than just Black Friday happening - use these ideas to engage your customers all month long. Read More
Has your small business appeared on Glassdoor? If so, watch out. Reputation management problems might be headed your way. Read More
PR is an important channel to get the word out about your startup. It not only is a way to get more customers, but it is also important for recruiting, business development, fundraising and your overall company morale.

Although it can be a difficult channel to crack initially if you decide to do Read More
In true British spirit, here’s how to avoid the awkwardness which inevitably results from any social interaction. Read More
Networking isn't always easy, but we've got your go-to guide for two of the toughest parts. Here's how to start the conversation with ease, and how to politely part ways when you're ready to move on. Read More
Although DIY PR may feel uncomfortable at first, it is a smart + cost effective way for small businesses to gain credibility. Perhaps, you just need to look at it from a different angle.
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There’s a better way to use press releases, and that’s to talk directly to your potential customers… online. Read More
Online reputation management is one thing every business must do to protect their business and service their clients better. These reputation management tips will help you do just that. Read More
How many 360-degree marketing downloads does Kim Gjerstad's MailPoet WordPress Plug-In have? He doesn't know, WordPress won't say, and doesn't know why he cares Read More

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