Small Business Saturday is coming at the end of this month, and represents one of the best opportunities for local business owners to spread the word about their products and services while having a good time. Here is what your business should be doing in order to take full advantage of the holiday Read More
Check out some great venders from the 2013 Main to Main going on now in Webster Parish. They were nice enough to allow me to snap some photos of them showing off their products and services. Read More
User submitted reviews are some of the most powerful endorsements that business owners can receive, since unlike word of mouth referrals they are able to be found and read by a wide range of potential customers. Here's what small business owners can do about managing and promoting positive reviews Read More
Most of the time, you’re doing just fine, superstar. You’re chugging along, building your fame platform so that you can make an impact in your industry.

Read on for a little exercise that’s dead simple to do, but it will give you inspiration for your Great Work and clarity on your bran Read More
Your greatest enemy in life is emotion, in-fact negative emotion for that matter. Negative emotion tied you down from taken the next and appropriate step, tired and worn you out and at the same time take away your entire joy, happiness, the reason why you feel and expresses happiness. Read More
Who do YOU think you are?

Have you ever heard that little voice inside your brain? It’s time to shut. it. down.

Becoming famous in your field requires putting yourself out there. But when you’re faced with a camera, a crowd or microphone what are you thinking about?
Read More
The web offers so many opportunities to connect with reporters, clients, publishers, and of course, fans! More and more you’re “meeting” people face to face via your webcamera.

Skype, Google Hangouts, Ustream and video webinars let you share your message and spread your fame no matter Read More
You have an amazing talent, service or product to share. (Holla! Cause it’s true.)

And to get that magic into the world, you need to serve up a message that grabs your audience and HOLDs them.

Of course, you want to reach everyone who needs what you’ve got.
But here’ Read More
How would you like a ‘heads up’ when a reporter or blogger is looking for an expert like you to quote in an upcoming story?

Or maybe you want a chance to build your PR street-cred with journalists by recommending other industry leaders or experts for a story. (That’s a smart move that’ Read More
As a business owner, you should know that an angry and upset customer whose problem was solved is more than likely to become a brand advocate for your business. Therefore, if you care about your startup's online reputation, you should be monitoring your brand name in search results. Read More

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