This September, the World's Largest Truck Convoy will take place, with the proceeds going to benefit the athletes of the Special Olympics. All small business owners in the logistics industry are encouraged to attend the event. Read More
If you're about to hire a PR firm, you want to do your research. Know when to hire a PR firm, questions to ask, and what public relations can really do for your business.

To make your partnership with your (almost) new public relations firm, outline a clear plan of attack for these 4 criteria.
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Every business owner asks how much it will cost them to hire someone to do PR, but they never consider how much time it will take to invest in PR. Read More
I know everyone wants to earn money for his living, but if you are just doing everything for money without considering your visitors and readers for the sake of high living, that means you are doing something big crap. Read More
Dealing with negative reviews for your company or brand can be a sticky situation. We all know that reputation is everything, and negative reviews are never something we want to see - but we just can't stop the inevitable tha Read More
Here is an example of how a business can become too helpful. You have to do your best to help. But you should also try to respect their boundaries. Read More
“There’s no such thing as bad publicity” or, as author Oscar Wilde wrote in The Picture of Dorian Gray in 1910, “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” The question is: Is it true? Read More
This article shows you how you should NOT run your online business like Lance Armstrong. In order to be successful in the long term online you must play to the rules. Read More
Did you think the press release was dead? It's not, but people need to be taught how to create a good one. Here is just the right teacher to do the trick. Read More
“Public Relations” is a term I don't particularly care for – though I guess the world is stuck with it.

That may sound strange coming from the CEO of an integrated marketing firm. That’s because, unfortunately, PR conjures up public images of spin control and on occasion inauthenticity Read More

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