First, the governor of New Jersey decided to combat constant fat jokes made by David Letterman by showing up on the Late Show and noshing on a donut. Read More
Whether you're hoping for an agent and a contract, looking for a small independent publisher, or self-publishing, these tips apply to you. Read More
When your business needs a boost but you're low on cash, there are things you can do to generate free publicity. This article offers 5 suggestions. Read More
The power of talk radio is perfect for anyone trying to market their message to the masses.   It has enormous value in any PR plan. Read More
THE PR VERDICT: "C" (Distinctly Okay) for Donald Trump. This is just business as usual in his PR stunt-ridden world.
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We can probably beat the topic of networking beyond the point of resuscitation, but the point here is how we should be networking. The ’90′s were good to Roseanne, she had a good run bringing together family wholesomeness and outrageous life-like reality. But before we start indulging in the laught Read More
Who knew that Volkswagen’s mock-Jamaican ad, which aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl, would ignite such a huge controversy online and in the Twitterverse? Read More
The glow of Oprah landing Lance Armstrong wore off after she asked him about doping in the first 30 seconds of her two-night interview. Read More
THE PR VERDICT: “A” (PR Perfect) for both parties. In a time when hotheads are the norm, cooler heads are a refreshing change.
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If you get good (or bad) print publicity, you may see a domino effect. It starts with pitching print media with newsworthy stories. Read More

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