Maintaining a positive & favourable image in any public or corporate-facing environment has its challenges, so what is it that PR workers do to help portray celebs & companies in a positive light? Read More
THE PR VERDICT: "A" (PR Perfect) to Hillary Clinton. She's been passionate during the Benghazi hearings, coy on the subject of another presidential run, and altogether more intriguing than any politician around her.
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THE PR VERDICT: "D" (PR Problematic) for David Cameron. Be wary of creating expectations that you may not want to meet.
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Much ado about nothing, and Beyoncé, whose megafame invites examination of her every move, would be wise to remain silent and keep them guessing. Read More
THE PR VERDICT: “B” (Good Show) for Weinstein. Even the best dancers misstep occasionally; correct the mistake, and keep going.
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For small business to be competitive in the current economic landscape, they need to be on top of the current branding and marketing trends. We are seeing that the three themes here are going to be critical for companies to embrace in 2013. Read More
It’s a long way from Las Vegas to Afghanistan. That’s the distance Prince Harry has come from the mortifying nude photos that made headlines a few months ago to the somber, candid interviews he did this week as the prince’s tour of duty in Afghanistan came to a close. Read More
Helpful basic tips for your marketing and publicity efforts. These are the basic foundation for success. Read More
THE PR VERDICT: “D” (PR Problematic) for Snoop Lion, né Dogg. His metamorphosis into Snoop Lion needs a more radical script.
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The rise of the internet has been a great help in various aspects of life. It helps in reaching out to distant people quite effectively and easily. Read More

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