Last week’s Office Hours was on the subject of leadership (you can listen to that webinar here). When we scheduled this webinar, I honestly expected the focus of the conversation to revolve around the responsibilities of the sales leader, like getting salespeople to follow the sales process and sim Read More
My friend, Wally Bock, wrote an interesting newsletter last week on Bear Bryant. He ended it with a quote from Coach Bryant, Can people watch you in action and tell what your value ares? I thought about it for a moment, I think the answer is a definitive YES! 100% of the time! Read More
Here are a few things you should NEVER say in public relation to make sure you're not just turning the reporters off. Read More
Change management training

For many people, change is a de-motivator because change creates uncertainty.
And people don't like feeling uncertain.
So: because change leads to uncertainty: we don't like change.
But whether you like it or not, you have to live with constant change.

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100 Sales Calls A Day? Sales Coaching Insights on Setting Realistic Goals. Share your thoughts and comments regarding sales, sales management and accountability. Read More
There’s a creativity crisis happening in U.S. schools—and that matters to small business because, if tomorrow’s graduates don’t know how to think creatively, our businesses will be left without an important source of innovation.
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In today's post John Jantsch covers the importance of not only understanding google search, but also understanding the importance of google mobile search and the difference between the two. Read More
“Confusion is always the most honest response.” – - Marty Indik

It’s OK to not know everything. Think of it this way, division of labor is THE fundamental key to all human progress. Ditto for knowledge. Going it alone is simply not the best strategy. Read More
You can’t win as an entrepreneur working alone. You need to have business relationships with team members, investors, customers, and a myriad of other support people. That doesn’t mean you have to be a social butterfly to succeed, or introverts need not apply.

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DIY CMS vs. Do It for You CMS - If you want to open an ecommerce website our CMS pro and con list can be useful when determining which Content Management System can help you to reduce your programming efforts? Read More

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