The Tycoon Playbook: How Billionaires Become Billionaires

How far could you go in life if you understood the time-proven strategies and tactics of self-made billionaires and tycoons? Read More
Networking is a necessary part of building your business profile and brand, its about listening and being of service to others, not a forum for self promotion. Read More
You don't have ideas on what to write or how to engage your community. We've all been there. The good news is it's simple to keep your community engaged by understanding the three ways to produce content and keep visitors coming back to your site. Read More
Google has recently released Places Search which makes it possible for websites to be listed in Google Places (formerly Google Local/Google Maps). Businesses can have their websites listed as the top search results for local searches. If you are a business that offers products or services in a part Read More
Tips when running a marketing test. remember to test side-by-side and not at two (or more) different times. A test today will have different results than a test run last year or last month. Read More
We all need to Take Part in our personal, professional and career development! No one, no company is going to do that for us. We have to do it ourselves--whether it's participation in workshops, commenting on blogs, reading, or whatever. The best professionals not only Take Part, they Take Charge. Read More
Twitter the sensational social network could be on the verge of destroying itself, could the end of twitter be near? I don’t often write bold prediction posts, but my experience with twitter over the past while has led me to suspect that unless something dramatic is done users could begin to aband Read More
Do Your have a favorite blog post for 2010? The Masters of The Web give you their top picks. Internet Marketing for beginners. Read More
Using testimonials for small businesses advertising is a pretty common tactic used by many businessmen. Not only it is perceived as an easy material to execute, it also gives other people the feeling of authenticity, the closest they will ever get to getting a personal recommendation...
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I responded to a poll on Linkedin asking “What is your primary Client Relationship Management (CRM) software that you use?” and then took a peek at the results. I’ve been focusing a bit more on LinkedIn for sales people lately since it is the primary social network for companies and professionals. Read More

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