Social media can be your means of advertising or brand awareness. However, more commonly it is your means of creating and/or sustaining a close customer relationship. Social media has become an avenue to connect with your target market outside of the normal and expected constraints of business. Read More
How is managing social media for your small business like planting the seeds, watering and weeding your garden? There are actually quite a few similarities all wrapped up in this post from the blog. Let's hope you'll have a green thumb while managing your social media brand. Read More
The DISC personality profiling system identifies four different networking styles that people roughly fit into. We’re all a mix of the four styles, but one style usually dominates. See if you can spot which style you are... Read More
Advertising for your business is a necessary expense. It is often very expensive, time consuming, and the results are not guaranteed. The use of promotional memory sticks can address each of these issues. Your company's logo, name, and slogan will appear on the promotional memory stick. Consumers w Read More
three main steps to help you manage the income you receive as well a few ideas to help facilitate the growth and stability of that income. Read More
Franchising has become one of the current trends in starting a business. A lot of budding entrepreneurs are venturing in franchising for many reasons. However, do we really know the advantages of franchising and is a good choice to start-up a business? The first advantage of franchising is that the Read More
Blog vs Website Faceoff: Still wonder about the value of blogs? Still want to know if the are worth your time? Want to know how to choose the best platform? You've got questions, we've got answers! Read More
A certain amount of mystery surrounds content marketing but, mostly, it’s just a lot of solving problems for people that want to improve their business. As all businesses move towards a publishing strategy – thanks to the internet – these confessions lend insight to others working with content. Read More
The real gap is always between the value you create and your price, not your price and your competitor’s price. Read More
In today's economy there are many options to retire. You can create a 401K through your job, your company may or may not offer a retirement plan where you put in so many years and ... Read More

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