Every landing page should be designed with the explicit purpose of moving the visitor towards conversion. Some elements on the landing page will present not-so-obvious cues to the visitor that work to reassure them that they are in the right place for their needs. Conversely, there should be elemen Read More
Rob Tucker: Ownership is not an intellectual state, it is a feeling. As such, you can talk about ownership and present the rational reasons why individuals on your team should take ownership until you are blue in the face and very little will happen.
How does a leader change feelings? Not by sayin Read More
Do you go to Meetups? Meetups are a great way to network with people and potentially find new ways to get business, here’s how to network at a Meetup. Read More
Five tips to help you audit your website for better search engine optimization rankings. Read More
You really can meet and get to know anyone. Old-school networking has tarnished relationship building and given it a bad name. The old days of throwing a card in the hand of someone you've known for all of 30 seconds is long gone. Read More
Warren Edward Buffett, the 3rd richest man in the world, losing out to Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim Helu and Bill Gates may not be the richest but this man certainly has a lot of advice he can give to our young investors and young people about business. People call him the “Sage of Omaha”

Here are Read More
Brand new series on Traffic Generation Cafe, called "Blog Audit Friday". I get a lot of requests from my readers to take a look at their blogs and see what kind of improvements I can suggest. Read More
There are weeks when my writing flows incredibly well and fast, and others when I struggle to put my thoughts on paper. That can pose a challenge when you are committed to writing a lot for your business and for others.

This week I sought out helpful tips to smooth out the writing proc Read More
Since the mid 90’s marketers and companies have been optimizing their sites for search engine optimization. Now SEO has evolved in a way no one could have imagined back then. Smartphones are taking over the mobile market, and most cell phones have access to the Internet. Read More
Starting a business requires a great deal of research and planning. Here is an overview of key areas which should not be neglected when starting out. Read More

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