Don’t want your direct mail to end up in the trash with the rest of the unread mail? These 10 tips will help you get the results you want Read More
Work packages are a great way of helping deliver effective management of projects. Work packages break down a project into more straightforward steps for the project manager and the project team. Now doesn't that sound like a good idea Read More
Years ago my brother-in-law was driving across the U.S. with a friend. After half a day of driving through the Midwest, they pulled over at a truck stop to rest and stretch their legs.

They were getting back into the car when a middle-aged man came up to them.

“Hey, fellas, can I have a lift?”

“Where do you need to go?”

“New York.”

“Sorry, we’re going to LA.”

“Hey, that’s good too.”

They looked at each other. There was no way they wanted to be stuck in a car for the next few days with someone who had no idea where he was going Read More
There are times when you need to move your store or office elsewhere. Here are some tips to help you moving office and change your business address smoothly Read More
Being included in the global market could be the most rewarding experience in a business. It could be a great honor to put your products in an overseas market. However, you must note that you are required to know the complicated process as well as the legal and economic features of the country Read More
Credit card is very important in a small business. Business could be very stressful without the credit card. You must always note that your expenditures can significantly increase the tax rate of your business. So it is always important that you can be able to determine person expenses and business expenses Read More
If there is something that institutions such as churches, communities and families would like to eliminate on their vocabulary, it would be I guess foreclosure. You may agree with me when I say that institutions are one with their campaign against banks for doing something that is beyond the knowledge of homeowners. Of course, everybody would like to stand on their right to know the status of their mortgage so they can be able to prepare themselves for the possible foreclosure Read More
The main advantage of doing a global business is that it enables the merchant to earn money from any part of the world, wherever you go, whenever. It will boost your business and make it better than any other business who are marketing in limited language and location Read More
So often, salespeople like Tom find themselves having great rapport with prospects, like Sylvia, who appear interested, and ready to take action—only for them to suddenly back-pedal and not be able to make a decision. Here are some typical prospect responses:

* “We want to hold off this year.”
* “I need to think about it. Let me talk to my counterparts.”
* “I'll get back to you.”
* “I need to look at other options.”

Tom mistakenly would let the prospect off-the-hook by saying, “OK. When’s a good time for us to talk again?” What Tom needed to do was discover the real reason why they could not come to a decision—to discover the prospect’s real decision-making process. This would help him overcome any hidden objections, allowing him to eventually QUALIFY the sales opportunity. But how Read More
Even if there's an industry fault in which your company has no part, you need to step up and tell people the facts to gain the loyalty and respect you want. Create customers. Don't just tell them about the features; tell them about the benefits. But don't just tell them about the benefits, either Read More

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