How many times do we go to events and simply hope for the best? Well, maybe this is a great opportunity to reinvent yourself, investing a few good minutes in something that will maximise your event experience. Check out this video.. Read More
Do you want to find a way to get qualified sales leads online? Take a look at getting listed on Google Places, which is going to be the new Yellow Pages. Here is a video to show you how to get this done Read More
Being organised is crucial for small business owners who haven't enough hours in the day to do everything. Here are six simple tips to follow to become better organised. Read More
Planning is essential for the start-up of a new small business. Using a worksheet to determine if a business opportunity is viable is essential to the strategic planning process. This template offers suggestions for a business analysis start-up worksheet that prepares entrepreneurs for opening a small business. Read More
Small Business Marketing Ideas Can Incorporate Social Media for Solutions Small businesses can use all the help they can get in their attempts to grow and thrive in a tough economy One of the simplest and most cost effective small business solutions would be to turn to social networking sites Read More
Website optimization is the best form of valuable advertisement; in fact search engine optimization is the most cost-effective, results-oriented marketing vehicle around. Internet marketing is about working the Internet as another channel to market one’s business or organization. Website optimization is essential to your online presence. Without website optimization your website will do almost nothing for you Read More
As economists and politicians keep worrying about the economy, small business owners keep doing what they have always done, leading and building their businesses in unique ways to meet the changing market and the needs of their clients and customers Read More
It is not uncommon for people to compare website designs to designs seen in printing. Here is an article which points out the differences between print design and website design and show why it is important to consider these differences Read More
Overseas communities have long played an important role in the economic development of their home countries. This month sees the launch of the OneVietnam Network.. Read More
In today’s uncertain world, there is only one thing that’s certain; change. Have you noticed that even when the status quo is less than satisfactory, many people are reluctant to make changes? In the wake of new information, change is often necessary. So, why do people resist it so much Read More

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