In today’s uncertain world, there is only one thing that’s certain; change. Have you noticed that even when the status quo is less than satisfactory, many people are reluctant to make changes? In the wake of new information, change is often necessary. So, why do people resist it so much Read More
Take the opportunity and ask me a question by filling out the form in the right column (under the section "Recent Comments"), or by or by clicking the link to For information on Formspring, listen to Amber MacArthur's and Sarah Lane's interview with Ade Olonoh, CEO and founder of

Maybe you have a question on my new site, EGO Sole Trader, or want to know some similar curio stuff that I described in my post, SEVEN THINGS ABOUT ME. Read More
How many Google searches do you perform each day as part of your lead generation and qualification process? What many people may not know is that Google actually has advanced search capabilities that act as shortcuts to find the right information you need Read More
This post shares tips for making idea (or suggestion) boxes work well for both employees and the company Read More
Do you know the difference between wants and needs? They may sound similar, but they're as different as day and night. As a small-business owner, it's important to distinguish between the two in order to attract more clients and grow your business Read More
Results-driven words in emails need to tip the sale scale in your favor. When you’re writing personally to a customer or prospect, keep the words short, simple, and to-the-point Read More
Accountability… to some it’s a word synonymous with punishment… to others it’s a way of life rooted in integrity. The way you react to daily challenges can put you below the line in the victim cycle or above the line on the steps to personal accountability Read More
Small Businesses really don't need money?... There are loans available to them but they are too scared to apply. Many have the opportunity to get a business loan but are too busy complaining that none of the Banks are lending to them. The truth is many have not even attempted to apply for a loan. If Banks completely stopped lending, they would go out of business Read More
Welcome to a four-part guide which is meant to help you with your attempts to make money online through blogging. First part of this guide will discuss the very basics you need to consider before you even start Read More
Google Voice is a free service that can provide small businesses with a variety of useful features. As of today, it is possible to sign up without requesting an invite. Read More

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