NetFlix has introduced a number of customer value-adds recently that have enhanced its bottom line. These and other innovations have come about, in part, because of the strong workplace culture the company has built. Learn some of the elements of NetFlix's culture that you can adapt for your organization. Read More
Today's most powerful transformation is underway: more successful small and mid-sized businesses are embracing "strategic HR" to drive higher performance, productivity and profits. But you probably know it hasn't always been this way… Read More
Inflation soared by more than expected last month sparking fears that the Bank of England could be forced to raise interest rates sooner than expected.
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Author Joel D Canfield takes on the myth of multitasking. Is the plate-spinner multitasking? The answer may surprise you. Read More
Twenty-first Century Businesses are under constant threat of Cyber Attack. Professional trades such as Lawyers, Accountants, Real Estate Agents, Dentists, Doctors, etc. Read More
There's a lot more to being an employer than hiring staff. To protect your business and your workers, employers must have a solid understanding of federal and state labor laws. We've written many articles on the various topics related to human resource management, and here’s a quick overview of’s employment, labor law, and benefit information – covering everything from wages to dis Read More

Getting access to the right tools and resources to help you proactively keep pace with change can be time consuming and sometimes costly. The good news is that in addition to the wealth of public information and resources available on the site, the team has developed and is constantly refining a host of Web services and tools that connect small business owners directly Read More

I don’t often write about stuff that’s coming, choosing to stick mostly with stuff that’s here and practical now, but a service in public beta intrigues me enough to mention before it’s really off the ground and flying.

TweetupThe service is called TweetUp and the simplest way to describe it is to call it a search engine for Twitter with sponsored results. Now, before everyone on Twitter g Read More
Tyler Garns from Infusionsoft explains the steps to take to avoid chaos resulting from using multiple technology systems and platforms in your small business. What does this mean in plain English? Stop trying to use many different technologies and programs to manage a customer relationship process and streamline with some of today's powerful tech solutions. Read More

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