Twitter, most affectionately known for its 140 character limit, has become one of the most powerful social media tool in spreading a message. However, what we are not aware of, are the things that go behind a tweet. To developers, they are aware that a tweet contains far more information than the 140 character limit itself.
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A List of Business Scaling Ideas for Small Business. Building a business so it can scale is an important tactic for successful businesses. Read More
The thing about stories is that they are memorable, and they have a takeaway – a moral – that persists beyond the details and facts. Stories, by their very nature and construct, are easy to remember and re-tell . . . and in that re-telling the brand comes to life. Read More
Janet Gershen-Siegel is a Social Media Specialist and serious weight loser (over 160 lbs. and counting). Visit today for social media marketing information or for weight loss inspiration. Visit her social media blog today for more information. Read More
Rumors are the bane of almost everyone in any organization. Only the person spreading the rumors benefits with a moment of prestige and attention. Here's a great set of options for How to Stop Rumors. Read More
Seventh Generation Chairman Jeffrey Hollender got a lot of press recently for saying that he's one millionaire who would be happy with a HIGHER tax rate. Read why. Read More
The entrepreneurial mindset is one of great strenght but also one of geat weakness. How is it that you can execute when you want to do everything under the sun as an entrepreneur? Here are a few tips on how to keep your entrepreneurial mind efficiently moving forward. Read More
Emerging trends in Social CRM platforms, including the business implications of choosing to acknowledge and interact with your customers rather than allow conversations to carry out without your organization’s knowledge or participation. Read More
As usual, a lot of the content looks interesting. One interesting sub-theme that is present in the content preview is how connecting the various communications channels together in a more meaningful way promises better customer engagement and, ultimately, a lift in the metrics marketers care about the most. Read More
Books in the black can keep you afloat, but the goal should be to get and keep your business sailing through calm and rough waters, safely and successfully. To achieve that goal you will need to consider and plan for the totality of your business. Your vision, mission, internal and external environmental analysis, strategy, strategy implementation, and its evaluation will all determine how succe Read More

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