How about taking Valentine's Day as an opportunity to create a positive client relationship that can possibly last through the years? Read More
Over the past few years I have collected a few thoughts and observations regarding business practices I wish would simply just go away. Read More
With unemployment at levels not seen since the 1930s, many people are turning to franchising to get control of their lives back by starting their own business. And now more than ever, it is essential to make sure that any business you're contemplating is going to do well in tough times, since they seem to be here to stay--at least for the foreseeable future. Read More
The news in 2009 was dominated by the gloomy economy, as small business entrepreneurs hunkered down to weather the downturn. Looking forward to 2010, it won’t rain money, but there are still some glimmers of a recovery. Read More
Cash flow, profits, and revenue are essential to long-term, sustainable profit. Ventureneer's webinar will guide small business owners in maximizing all three.

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Branding is only half the communication story for non profit leaders. Ventureneer's webinar focuses on integrating all kinds of communication. Read More
With both dedicated to helping small businesses grow, it makes sense that Ventureneer and New York Enterprise Report will work together.
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Are you ready for an other Facebook or Twitter only this time from - Google? The Internet Search giant announced yesterday its new "Social" product aimed to let you share links, photos and videos with your friends and other contacts. What was yesterday's reaction on the Web? Why it raises a new wave of privacy concerns? Read More
Tips for entrepreneurs on how to maximize blogs, inbound marketing, Google, creating content, and much more with the CEO of Hubspot Brian Halligan. The key to becoming a better and more modern marketer is making the web work for you. Read More
The Friday FREE White Paper List is a summary of the free white papers that have been posted during the past week on Twitter. Each white paper is completely FREE and does not require either email registration or any other personal information. This is a great way to review white paper examples and learn new techniques. Read More

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