Interesting lessons learned from the original Ponzi Scheme. Some include "Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is," and "removing greed, pride, and ego from business decisions." Read More
Most people refer to this social media thing as social media marketing - implying that the use of these new tools and tactics is primarily the domai Read More
A Congressional Oversight Report states “Hundreds more community and mid-sized banks could face insolvency.” And “Over the next few years, a wave of Read More
HubSpot’s recent chart of the day shows the importance of specific website elements according to buyers of B2B services. I was happy to see that of the 10 elements shown in the chart, 7 are standard elements that we Duct... Read More
Want a great way to attract attention from your business card? Put something special on the back of it. Read More
Good sales people are out there everyday involved in or initiating change. But as group or profession they sometime fail to see the changes sales should be implementing to stay vital. Failure to embrace change in sales will open the door to unanticipated change on a grand scale. Read More
As a young entrepreneur, it is very easy to make small mistakes that can cost you a lot of money. Sure, everyone says that this is a sure-fire way to increase users or customers, but will it really work for your business? There’s no golden rule to making money easily or increasing the amount of users for your application, but there are simple ways you can mishandle your capital. Read More
When potential customers are waving buying your product or service or wanting a refund what do you do? Do you engage in a dialogue to understand what the problem is or do you just give them the refund? This is a story how one company tipped the balance in their favour and gained a very happy customer. It all started with a simple email. Read More
you guessed it! the headline is without doubt the single most important piece of any blog post that you create....That’s why you should give it lots and lots of attention and come up with one, that works really well and grabs the potential reader as soon as he or she sees it. Read More
Every entrepreneur has to think about how to go about raising angel investment, but what is it that the investor is looking for in order to make their decision? Read More

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