has decided to allow developers to create applications for the Kindle, according to the New York Times. Next month, a beta group will receive the Kindle Development Kit that will enable them to create either “free applications, one-time paid applications, and applications that require a monthly subscription.” Read More
Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Some business owners started as kids, selling lemonade on the side of the street, while other business owners Read More
Going solo
Franchises, however, are but a part of the small- business universe. Some 52% of small businesses are home-based; some 21 million have no employees beyond the founding entrepreneur. Such businesses range from eBay sellers and Read More
A guide to merchant account fees for small business owners. Some providers will bury fees in a contract's fine print; we describe them so you have no surprises. Read More
For those business owners who are looking for a easy and good solution to manage their clients and also to collaborate between their team members, OfficeMedium is one such good platform that they can use. Read More
Launching a business in only three weeks may seem a little crazy. If that's the case, Tim Berry is very, very crazy. At today's Growth 2.0 Conference in Miami Beach, Berry presented his case that budding entrepreneurs don't need years to start a business. Read More
Some clients just keep asking for a little more: a four page website design can turn into a design plus copy or even a design plus copy plus marketing. It often happens just a little request at a time, as the scope of the project creeps ever larger. Scope creep isn’t always an entirely bad thing, of course. As long as your clients are willing to pay for the work that goes along with a bigger proj Read More
Yesterday I talked about how email often runs my life and drives every moment of my day. Now we are onto the ultimate of time wasters: Facebook! I manage multiple Facebook accounts for clients, my own, and my personal stuff.... Read More
What if you could finish a negotiation with a win-win solution? If you start with the goal of a mutually beneficial solution in mind and use an approach meant to get you to that point, it is possible for a negotiation to end with both parties happy. Read More
When you’re a one-guy or gal operation, you aren’t often in a position to hire a fact-checker, especially if blogging is just one part of your overall marketing strategy. But at least some fact checking is necessary for ensuring that you turn out reputable posts. Read More

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