How do you follow-up with your prospects after your first conversation or after your first appointment? Sometimes we get so tired of chasing people down that we lose focus and take the lazy approach of “calling to touch base,” or “calling to check-in,” both of which bring little value.

Here are 8 follow-up strategies you can use to bring constant value and keep your prospect moving forward th Read More
Do you have any idea where advertising spend is headed? Are you marketing on the wrong media? Want to see where you can get a bigger bang for your buck? Oh, by the way, TV as we know it will may be dead in few years. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to speak well and to convey their ideas and their solutions. This ability in great salespeople is never exercised until they have exercised the even greater communication skill of listening first. Great salespeople listen to understand, and they know that it conveys the even more important communication that they care. Read More
While words count for a lot, in sales as with most things, professionals should be judge by their actions, interactions with buyers, and the results of these. If sales people were not competitive by nature, their companies would not thrive. Read More
En explanation of why business ideas are offered for free. Why free business ideas can be good or bad and how the entrepreneur adds value. Read More
Risk management is an important element of business project delivery. It mitigates against potential project management problems. Don't be frightened of it though - every business should engage in risk management, start small and grow it over time. Read More
Job Hunting can be difficult in a tough economy and it can feel like the world is against you. Some advice to help you maintain momentum towards your goals. Read More
Blogs did indeed start off as diaries, but they have evolved to become hubs of opinion on topics ranging from politics to philosphy to literature. Read More
This Eco-Village is quite unique from a European perspective, as it is the only project of its kind to build an Eco-Village with adjoins an already existing village. As part of the Eco-Village there are plans to build a green enterprise centre which will inherit the sustainable culture of the existing village. Read More
Which of the different social media you should use for marketing depends greatly on what you are marketing and to whom you are marketing it, but in all cases there are some common mistakes you should work to avoid. As a general rule of thumb, if you wouldn’t do it at a cocktail party, you shouldn’t do it in social marketing. Here are the seven deadly sins of social marketing. Read More

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