The truth is sales is a numbers game.

But if you’re smart, if you do your homework…

YOU get to decide what those numbers are. Read More
Easy-to-identify measurements as indications of success in building the brand to top of mind to the general search and social media public. Read More
...If these companies don’t supervise what customers are going to see when they search for them, they are losing out on potential leads. Read More
The difference between success and failure has nothing to do with what we can do and everything to do with what we will do. This is nowhere more true than in sales... Read More
Branding happens as a result, as a measure of how congruent you are- how well your actions and words match up. There is no hiding- it’s simply a reflection of how you do business. Read More
After a fierce competition, close to 3,000 vote Renbor wins 48.4% of vote. "How to shorten your sales cycle" voted number one by readers. THANK YOU all who voted and supported me. Read More
The right business name will help distinguish you from a sea of bland competitors and aid in the branding of your company. Apply these 10 commandments when choosing a name for your business. Read More
As the still-feeble U.S. economy stumbles to its feet, some entrepreneurs are applying lessons from the economic crisis to new websites that provide financial information and data. Read More
The 10 ways to run a risky business by Cyndee Sugra. She started her digital design and marketing firm, Studio 7 Media (, in the middle of the dotcom crash. Last year, her Los Angeles-based company hit sales of $8 million. Read More
When you are just too busy and need that last minute advice on gifts, Harmony Thiessen has the best 10 staff gifts making the grade for Christmas in 2009. But hurry! Time is of the essence. Read More

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