When you have to resort to suing your competitors to regain market share, something is seriously flawed with your view of your customers. Read More
Each year has four seasons - Spring, summer, autumn, and winter (It is in the winter that we have most trouble.)

Each work project has the same four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. We sometimes find ourselves in a “winter of discontent”.

Thios article discusses how to ride out the storm of a recession. Read More
Contest for new business startup idea for 2010, and for women only. Hosted by several Canadian companies, the winner will receive tools, education, press an coaching to get their new business idea off the ground. Article includes great resources for Canadian business startups. Read More
In a recent telephone chat with FuelNet about getting new customers, August Turak explained that the Trappists are guided by a management philosophy that has six basic tenets, applicable to companies large and small. Read More
Greening your business is not only one of the latest consumer marketing trends, but it’s also a smart move, especially during an economic downturn. Read More
Customers want to be engaged in your business. They want to help you succeed — and they want to hear from you. Here are some ways to get closer as part of your customer relationship building efforts. Read More
FuelNet presents a case study on how one growing business boosted sales lead generation by recharging employees’ creative batteries. Read More
Moire Marketing Partners, a strategic branding and communications agency specializing in professional service firms, offers these five small business development tips to help you become more competitive in 2010. Read More
Do you think you have a great website? What makes a website great? Click here now to find out what you really need to have a successful website. Read More
Or would it be better to stick with the traditional guns? Read More

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