Brett Favre and small business actually have some things in common. They can both learn from each other and this post discusses that! Read More
How can working with a professional graphic designer help you build your business? Our White Paper uses a case study to show how professional design can help you: increase business; attract profitable clients; sell high-level services; and increase revenues dramatically. Read More
Trust is a vital element in the relationships within a team.
Trust is an emotion.
You trust other people to the degree that you believe they will do all that they say they will do.

You trust other people to the degree you believe they will NOT do what they promise they won’t do.

How can we develop this vital element in our character? Read More
Short article suggesting that allocating resources before the end of the current year towards having a good tidy up of the work environment, will pay dividends in increased productivity when everyone returns refreshed, to a fresh environment. Article also provides 9 suggested activities that can be quickly tackled to deliver the outcome required. Read More
Earth Friendly Network LLC has committed to offsetting 100% of the electricity use, through the purchase of a 50/50 Blend of Wind & Farm Methane Projects, through Native Energy Read More
Effective communication with employees, good ethics, positive customer approach, profit, clear vision are some of the features which makes companies Fortune 500.The top 500 companies that are included in the list are considered to be Fortune 500 companies. Read More
Positioning your hair salon in the competitive industry requires you to market aggressively. With all the competitors offering the same services, getting the attention of clients can be very challenging. However, you can create distinction for your hair salon with effective postcard marketing. Read More
Greed, pride, and an array of other human weaknesses can get in the way of a good exit. Successful business owners have all got egos - it’s part of their make-up. But it’s also true that they don’t know what they don’t know. It’s not until the exit that this becomes clear.
Read More
So many businesses grow by default. Started by entrepreneurs, run on adrenaline and gut instinct. To continue to survive and ensure the business and the people in it fulfill their potential needs a plan. A real plan. Not just one for The Bank! Read More

Avoiding a VAT Of Trouble

Avatar Posted by CTSpurs under Taxes
From 5406 days ago
The question of when VAT is payable on the sale of a residential property has new relevance in the current economic cycle where many people are establishing home-based businesses to make a living. Read More

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