Economic recovery is at the horizon, so it's the time to make it even. Stimulus packages, have given a boost to the world stock markets, and it has placebo effect on businesses as well. Read More
Increasing taxation on the country's small businesses would plunge the economy further into debt and cause spiralling unemployment, according to a report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR). Read More
With some hard work and determination, most people can get rich (to varying degrees) with an online business, but I wouldn't hold your breath for the quick part. If you are going to be successful online it takes just as much effort and time as in a "conventional" non-virtual business. Read More
For small business owners, a need-to-know review of the laws and allowances pertaining to religion and the workplace. Is it legal for an employer to require Saturday availability when it coincides with an employee's religious practices? Read More
Augmented Reality is here and I believe it's going to be hugely popular in the near future, it's just not widely distributed yet. But it will be. Now is the time to get ahead of the trend and start thinking about how you can best use it for your product and situation. Read More
I received this list in my email the other day and busted out laughing with each comment I read. I guess it's funny as long as my manager isn't saying these things about me. I knew immediately that I had to share it with all of my readers! Read More
With over 120 million U.S. viewers, YouTube is used by President Obama for his weekly State of the Union Address, by universities who share lectures from star academics, and by celebrities such as Miley Cyrus who use it as a lifestream. Aside from the popularity of YouTube, the site exploits the most powerful branding medium of them all, video. Read More
It's simple. If you want 55% more traffic to your site, start a blog. Unlike more traditional advertising there is not a corresponding increase in our your expense, either. Read More
Trust Me: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma Marketing podcast with Nick Morgan (Click to listen, right click and Save As to download — subscribe now via iTunes [Trust Me: Four Steps to ... ] Trust — can't get enough of that as a brand, business, or person these days. Everyone knows that, but what they may not know is that there are thi Read More
CIT's future is uncertain. Liquidity remains the No. 1 challenge for businesses - clearly, now more than ever - even if you're not a CIT customer. Even if your cash flow hasn't been interrupted, do you really want to wait to see if - and when - it will be? If not, what's your next move? If you're like most companies, you're exploring your op Read More

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