Are you worried about the success of your small businesses this holiday season? With the economy still in the dumps and many consumers not spending money like they have in year's past, many small businesses are concerned about whether they can weather another holiday season. The truth of the matter is that no matter what type of business you hav Read More
Summit Series is an organization dedicated to connecting and inspiring young entrepreneurs to take action in their business and philanthropic endeavors. Read More
It is well known that it is far less expensive to retain your key customers than continually chase new ones. Whilst it takes time to build loyalty and trust here are some simple tips that you could build into your small business marketing kit and start implementing today. Read More
Michael Gerber, best-selling author of 'The E-Myth' talks about the secret ingredients to small business success. He says there are two important questions to ask when starting out, is the business... Read More
The ability to generate press coverage can elevate your business to a higher level of credibility and even sales. Press coverage is great because it helps you market your company to a specific audience but also provides excellent third-party credibility for your small business. Here we show you how press releases can be more compelling. Read More
Sometimes small business owners have difficulty taking time to smell the roses. Don't allow stress to complicate your business or your life, just read this article on how to manage the stress of owning or starting up your small business... Read More
Tell us about your favorite small business or small business ideas that made you laugh! Read More
Multiple resources, sites and tools exists to help small businesses with their business for logo design, product names, marketing, legal and accounting. Tap into the world of freelancers to help grow your business. Read More
When it comes to the use of color in white paper design, most businesses treat the issue as an afterthought after the primary content has been developed.But with short attention readers that are accustomed to short online media messages, color has now become a more important attribute that can either create greater reader engagement, or create a n Read More

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