Why won't Google index the rest of my web site pages? You've worked hard to make your web site search engine friendly but the crawlers aren't including all your pages in their indexes. Here are 2 suggestions to help improve your Google SEO page indexing, plus some Scott Fox marketing advice to stop being a "tweak freak"! Read More
Too often sales is focused on selling the lowest price or the idea of the best value. But those aren't always the real motivators, for many, it's the lowest perceived risk, and that's the key! Read More
Precious Metals ETF have gone wild the past 2 weeks. Last week we saw gold and silver prices drop sharply as it shook out short-term trader's stop orders before breaking out and moving higher. Also there is a disconnect between gold and the dollar. Read More
SEO has been around a long time, but longstanding is ringing spot on! So many people will throw money at Google Adwords, which isn't a bad idea, and if you are very familiar with how the system works, but SEO really needs to be the main part of your recipe to increase traffic through search engines. Read More
Self Respect is not ignoring the fact that you have faults as a person. It is accepting that you have them and loving yourself despite them. It is knowing that making a mistake or failing at something does not define who we are inside. Read More
Well there is probably a community of people that gather (knowingly or not) purely for your business, for you. They are there, waiting, so why wouldn't you engage with them? They could be customers, fans, members or others connected for some crazy reason to your business. And we have now learned that it makes business sense to connect with thes Read More
Find out why it's important to setup a Google Profile for your small business. Read More
I loved playing baseball as a kid. I'd take my book about pitching outside with me and pitch for endless hours to my younger brother (probably my earliest experiencing in selling was learning how to "sell" my brother on being catcher to my pitches even after he wanted to quit). Read More
To be a successful Leader and Manager, you need to know the business you're in; but more importantly, you've got to know how to get the best out of your people. Read More
As small business owner we need to understand the importance of accurate and timely accounting reports where we will need precise financial information to make the very important decisions we make as owners and managers. Read More

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