Burberry “hooked up social networking company Facebook to launch a website celebrating its trench coat.” Read More
Have you ever asked, How do I get people to connect with me on my social media sites? If so, this post is for you. It's a tangible tip for promoting your social media. Now, it's based on being a restaurant owner, but by understanding the thinking the goes into coming up with the ideas, all types of business owners can benefit from it. Read More
A master of brands and businesses on social media discussing how you can become royalty and build your business on Twitter Read More
Part 13 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness. This piece lays out some ideas about building trusted networks to achieve sales results. Read More
It's not just the automakers who start the new year early, sales people do too, you 2010 sales are here now. Read More
Answer is simple — A good idea! But now the second question arises what is the definition of good idea? Now this is a point to think. In my point of view an idea which is capable of changing the whole thing. Read More
Congratulations! Your website is up and running, and if you do say so yourself, is quite attractive. However, your job isn't done yet. Now you must begin to understand what you need to do to begin earning revenue from your website. Don't get caught with a poorly performing website; use the following tips to begin earning revenue from your website: Read More
While we have all visited YouTube to laugh hysterically at the funny videos or the viral video sensations, did you know that businesses often use YouTube to market their business and educate their customers? There are many benefits of YouTube — and you simply need to know how to use them to help your business succeed. Read More
Here are some of the top reasons to start a home based business. They may not be everyone's reasons. They may not be your reasons. Though basically a couple of benefits are pretty basic to home business including flexible hours, no commute and low overhead. Read more in the following blog post. Read More

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