Here are some of the first set of things you might want to consider to proactively cultivate and slowly build your marketing in India. Read More
In this post Mara Rogers of shares a reflective exercise to help you grow your blog. Read More
If you're like most bloggers, you probably want to grow your readership as quickly as possible, but don't have much time. Unfortunately, blogging usually takes a lot of time — writing blog posts takes up a fraction of most bloggers' time, as they also check their stats and earning multiple times a day, customize their blog design, try out new blog Read More
Hackers hijacked the Twitter accounts of more than 30 celebrities and organizations, including President-Elect Barack Obama, Britney Spears and Fox News, early on Monday, the company confirmed today. Read More
Don't you hate it when you have written a blog post and no one comments on it? If your blog doesn't receive many comments it is not because nobody likes your content, it is most probably because you simply don't have enough traffic. In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% o Read More
It's a free ebook with 16 ways you can invest in your employees, and not spend a dime. Read More
Reversing the outsourcing of Jobs. Here is a company that is doing is slowly and without federal aid or mandates. Read More
Perhaps as a tribute to its mainstream legitimacy, Twitter's turf has been invaded by at least two spammer-orchestrated scams. In the widespread of the two, users receive a direct message from a follower, bearing this or similar bait: "hey! check out this funny blog about you—", followed by a link to a webpage. Read More
With the economy tanking, many small business owners are using promotions, sales and discounts to boost profits this holiday season. Coupons are a natural fit, since so many consumers are actively looking for ways to save money. Before you run a discount promotion though, make sure you take a look at the 5 specific steps to coupon success below to Read More

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