Think online social networking sites are just for singles and high school and college students? Well, think again, say small- business experts. With hundreds of millions of registered users frequenting such sites as MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn, it's time your small business started to look at ways to leverage these and other social networks to Read More
For author who need to learn how to promote - Book Promo 101 could be just the book you need. Learn from the ground up or hone your promotional skills. Nikki Leigh is an award winning, best selling author and a publicist who puts over 16 years of promotional experience to work to help you learn to promote. Read More
The benefits of churches and non-profits collecting online donations. Read More
I stumbled upon a nice post by James Sherwood on The Register dubbed 'Brits more hooked on mobile tech than Yanks are'- loved the sound of it, and wanted to bring some data to front. Read More
I wanted to share an invitation to listen in to a FREE call. On Tuesday, August 5, 2008, Internet Marketing expert, Kathleen Gage is offering a F.R.E.E one-hour teleconference called, "The Truth About Making Money with Teleseminars." Read More
Small business advocates want to make sure the Environmental Protection Agency gets their input before they issue regulations limiting greenhouse gas emissions. Read More
According to a recent ThirdAge/JWT Boom study, people over age 40 participate heavily in word-of-mouth and value personal recommendations and expert opinions, but they have not embraced social networking or blogs despite being heavy users of other online services. Read More
What's the quote? "If there's blood in the streets, buy" Funny title, sad situation. Read More
Ever dream of leaving your middle-management job and striking out on your own? For a lot of people, the glamour of the start-up is tempered by the very real danger of losing your safety net — especially at a time when most folks are hoping the economic slowdown doesn't claim the job they already have. Read More
In launching TerraCycle's lines of liquid fertilizer, cleaners, repellents, etc., I realized something: Almost all products that are sold as liquid in a bottle -- from window cleaner to ant repellent -- are in fact extremely similar to bottled water. In most cases, the difference is only 1% to 2% of the contents. In other words, these products ar Read More

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