A company can create a thread of passion and community where one seemingly does not exist. Fiskars created a community around scrap bookers. Makers Mark created an effective "Ambassador" community for their bourbon whiskey that other liquor companies covet. However, as worthwhile as these communities are, I assert the vast majority of their cust Read More
AppLoop is a great little tool that is currently in beta that will take any RSS feed and turn it into an iPhone Application. Read More
Here's a cool little blogging tool to help spread news of your blog posts from readers to their networks of friends via email, social networks, instant messaging and their blogs - it's called TellaFriend. Read More
How do you measure your social media efforts? How should you? Most people in the industry talk generally about measuring engagement as a concept and cite examples such as time spent on a site or number of comments, or inbound links as ways to track this. Others talk about ad equivalency (ie how much you saved by avoiding paying for advertising to Read More
So self-promotion isn't evil. Just another way to generate business. And it can be fun. Especially if you take an unorthodox slant, as you'll see from the following list. Read More
Feeling Overwhelmed by Social Media and Web 2.0? - Here Are 5 Tips For You Read More
A lot of business to business email campaigns are well planned with the message being crafted to strike a particular nerve with a targeted decision maker who has a specific role or responsibility which should make them think about a product or service and how it could make things better for their organization. So what many email marketers tend to Read More
Guy Kingston gives more advice and guidance to entrepreneurs on dealing with the current cash crisis. Read More
If you're reading this blog, and haven't yet read David Meerman Scott's The New Rules of Marketing & PR, go out right now and get his book. When we first came upon his book, about a year into HubSpot's life, we called him up and said, we started a company based on your book. That initiated a wonderful, long-lasting relationship with David, whi Read More
With search engine optimization you can get the benefit of generating a high traffic volume. Let's just say you get only a turn out of successful sales with 10 to 20 percent of your traffic. If you get a hundred hits or more a day, you get a good turn out of sales already. If you get only twenty to ten hits a day, you only get one or two if not a Read More

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