A list of the 10 best online resources for Canadian startups, entrepreneurs and small business owners. Read More
Mick Hagen post is the post that motivate me to write my own version of the kind of people I want to work with at my startup. You can read Mick post about the types of people he wants to work with at his startup here.

Though it might be similar to mine, but the way I express my own mind is Read More
Every investor is looking for the “dream team” of executives to put his money on. Often I find that experienced investors flip to the management page of a business plan, even before they read the product description. That’s how important the people are. What are investors looking for in the CEO and Read More
Looking for a good business idea? Create a solution to one of your own problems.

That's what Tom Patterson did when he got laid off. He created a solution to a problem that many would think as unprofitable - but he's now making millions. Find out how he did it...
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My focus for the New Year is to increase my visibility, both online and locally with my businesses. Both arenas have their challenges when it comes to standing out in the crowd. So I am developing plans to not only be noticed, but to be memorable.
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One of the most encouraging trends to emerge from recessionary times is the surge in interest in entrepreneurial activity, especially as regards online start-ups. There are, however, some considerations to keep in mind if you are planning to make the leap to the world of start-ups and entrepreneurs Read More
If you are looking for an outside investor, you need to know how they see you. Different types of investors look for startups at different levels of maturity. If your startup is at the wrong stage for the investor you are approaching, fishing for money is a waste of time for both of you. Read More
If you think you may wish to join the echelons of business consultants, make sure you want it for the right reasons and do it in the right way. Read More
After you have successfully attracted angels or venture capital with your business case, your million dollar product idea, and you have a signed term sheet, there is still one more hurdle to overcome before investors write the check. This is the dreaded “due diligence” process. Read More
This is a great post on a new startup!In the past year, Cafe Spice’s revenue grew 40 percent, to about $20 million. While that’s tiny compared with sales at a food giant like McDonald’s Corp., which moves $20 million worth of product about every six-and-a-half hours, should Cafe Spice’s expansion c Read More

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