This blog is third in the series of "Internet Black Markets". Part 1 explored domain hoarding; counterfeit products, antisocial networking and propaganda marketplaces, and Part 2 detailed fake traffic generators, click frauds, SEO and plagiarism. Part 3, is about money scavengers who have no success of their own but they hold on to the body of I Read More
President Barack Obama and the U.S. Senate are pushing incentives to benefit small businesses including a small business loan program. One proposal might make available as much as $50 billion for small businesses including $40 billion in remaining Troubled Asset Relief Program funds, according to this story from USA Today. What do you think of a p Read More
Facebook is continuing to move forward with initiatives to spread its platform outside the walls of Facebook. The early implementations of Facebook connect by third-party sites focused primarily on allowing users to register and login via Facebook, rather than having to register through the site itself, but new implementations are taking things mu Read More
We write a lot about the battles for the enterprise, the merits of Sharepoint and Google's pitches into the corporate world. But it's always good to watch the new players who use existing open-source software to build something pretty quickly that people can use. OfficeMedium is a service that is a fit for the small business user with just en Read More
Free cash for your business is rare but a reality, says this article from CNN Small Business. The trick, the article says, is figuring out where to look. Sources include organizations like TechColumbus in Columbus, Ohio, Ben Franklin Partnership in Philadelphia and Maine Technology Institute in Gardiner, Maine. The article also gives oth Read More
Where on Earth do tweeple tweet from? A study conducted by Crowd Science has the answer. Read More
BizBox's Anonymous Banker predicts Obama's latest small business plan will fail, and blames Obama's failure to focus his attention on truly small small businesses. Read More
Microsoft seems to think that the next hardware refresh is going to save them. It might, but they're in trouble if they think they can depend on it again. Here's why. Read More
Self-publishing offers small businesses reasonable choices when it comes to getting your content out there. Target your audience with specific information and learn to market to people ready to receive your message... Read More
Review of newcomer, Glasscubes, and their CRM tool, aimed at the small business market. Read More

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