As more and more job seekers turn to the internet looking for positions, scammers are finding ways to dupe them of their money. Cyber fraud, money laundering and scams are confronting online job seekers. Authorities have reported a large rise in online scams targeting those looking for a new job or part time position. Investigators are uncovering Read More
Out of the 1,400 CIOs surveyed, 54% completely prohibited their employees from any online social networking activities. Read More
Attorney Andy Forman provides legal advice for small businesses seeking bankruptcy protection in our tough economy. Forman says an important thing to consider is legal structure of your business to decide which bankruptcy filing might be most appropriate. Though bankruptcy is something many small business owners may not want to think about, it's Read More
In a recent study conducted by The Nielsen Company, it was found that 18% of users start their search for new information on social media. Read More
I've been noticing lately, that many of the women I work with, are frustrated with situations that they have created for themselves. This isn't to assign blame. Rather it is to state the fact that if you got yourself into shit, you can get yourself out. Read More
Out of the 1,000 surveyed, 66% of them stated that they do not wish to be targeted via behavioral advertising. Read More
Health care reform may help some older workers overcome obstacles to getting hired. By reducing health care costs for some businesses, employers may find older, more experienced workers a better fit, however it seems uncertain how reform will affect small businesses. Promising information about the current health care reform proposal in relation t Read More
VoIP gives you freedom. You can shop around and get the internet connection you want, then shop around and find a VoIP provider that best meets your needs. Increasingly you are able to get both from a single provider. Read More
Here from is a list of best small business blogs including some we see regularly here on They include Small Business Trends and Duct Tape Marketing. There are some other great blogs here too like Entrepreneurial Mind, Church of the Customer and the All Business Blog Center list of top business bloggers. Check out these gre Read More
This article from Mashable looks at the world of wikis and their use for small businesses. Wikis can probably be best described as an online collaborative tool and though they may be talked about less than other popular Internet tools like blogs and social networks, they are at the very heart of the collaborative nature of Web 2.0. Read the articl Read More

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