Having launched Twitter in Japanese back in April 2008, the micro-blogging giant has accumulated more than 783,000 Japanese users in its portfolio. Out of which, 95% of them tweet via their mobile phone; a statistic that probably inspired Twitter to launch a Japanese mobile site just yesterday! Read More
OLTP database becomes more critical to manage security in this high tech market. It is very important to privent data thefting or hacking from your database. How to secure your database using advance and hidden feature of Oracle? Dbametrix provides tips for how to enable hidden auditing using undocumented Oracle 11g new feature. It would help you Read More
According to Compete's data, Facebook has grown from 122 million to 124 million unique visits over the month of September. That is an improvement of 2 million visits! But can we credit this success to Facebook Lite? Read More
BizBox's Anonymous Banker explains why the federal contracting problems are actually largely banks' fault. Read More
According to Hitwise, Facebook's year to year U.S market share (in terms of visits) increased by a whopping 194%! That almost doubled its Sept 2008 record. Read More
Do you know which jobs are best in America? CNN Money announced 50 Best Jobs in America. According the news, Systems Engineer, Physician Assistant and College Professor are some of best jobs in America. Here are the 10 best jobs of the list. Read and find out your best job for your career. Read More
Building employee pride in your small business can be the key to success. Employees who take pride in their work will improve your company over time, and the responsibility for creating this pride lies with you, the small business owner. Here, from AdvanceMe.com, is list of tips that will help create the sense of pride in your workforce, no matter Read More
Along with a valuation of $1 Billion last year, it has generated more than $100 million in revenue (mainly through ads selling, premium accounts and recruitment platform) and is currently looking to increase its workforce by 50% this year. Read More
The title of this great online resource for small business tips is misleading. Posted on the Website of SCORE, an organization dedicated to advising America's small business community, this page contains top five lists of tips for almost every aspect of small business imaginable. From business planning to legal and tax advice, this site has it al Read More
From LifeTips comes this great list of home business or home based business tips. Designed for the work-at-home-mom or any entrepreneur working from the home, the list looks at maximizing the work/life balance that makes home based business so appealing in the first place. However, it also focuses on how to maintain a sense of professionalism even Read More

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