Two hard-hitting quick, out-of-the-gate steps CEOs or business owners can take today to improve cash flow using a Software-as-a-service Business Intelligence system. Read More
Small Business Labs reports 26 percent of federal stimulus contracts are going to small business. Does this seem like a high or low number to small business people out there? How does it square with the number of small businesses in the US and the percentage they occupy in the economy? My impression is that the number seems low but I may be wrong. Read More
According to a survey conducted for Citibank Small Business, 75% of small businesses revealed that they have not found social media sites, such as Facebook and LinkedIn helpful in generating leads or business expansion. Read More
If you read part 1 of this series of links you know that cloud computing helps your small or medium sized business by replacing loads and loads of software which you must then pay to install and operate with a shared service including lots of helpful applications that you pay for like a utility and let someone else maintain. You also know Dell and Read More
Cloud computing helps your small or medium sized business by replacing loads and loads of software which you must then pay to install and operate with a shared service including lots of helpful applications that you pay for like a utility and let someone else maintain. Frederic Paul of reports that Dell and, a cloud comp Read More
Forget about dashboards and pretty reports, slice and dice, speeds and feeds. This article talks about how small and medium-sized businesses can use Business Intelligence software to survive the recession. Read More
A Telecom and an internet event organized by Zumbeel Read More
According to The Wall Street Journal's All Things Digital, it was reported (from an undisclosed source) that Twitter is currently in advance talks with both Internet Titans, Google and Microsoft. Read More
Below are 15 of the most common mistakes that e-commerce sites make, as well as advice on how to avoid or fix them. Take the advice under consideration before embarking on a new e-commerce project or when thinking over your current ecommerce site, and make efforts to follow the recommendations outlined here. Read More
Do you feel like you aren't getting helpful search results when looking for small business technology tips and info for your business? This search page helps make searching better and faster by providing a “one stop” search page where you can get the top search results from leading small business tech publications. Read More

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